
Friday, March 19, 2010

How Do You Spend Your Time?

Do you know how you spend all of your time?

I didn't. Until we had to do an exercise in one of my courses where we had to track everything we did every day for a week. It amazed me how much time I didn't use. I used to be the ultimate time waster and I wondered why I never managed to get everything I needed to accomplish done. It's hard to admit that it takes you 2 hours to get dressed in the morning by the time you get all of your primping and preening finished or that you spent 3 hours on Facebook tending to your farm.

Once you know how you're spending your precious time, you can decide what areas you need to work on. By no means am I suggesting that you shouldn't have time for yourself, but you need to prioritize it in a way that allows you accomplish what you need to so you don't find yourself asking the question, "Where did the time go?"

Give it a shot, write down everything you do in a day, as you're doing it. Be honest. You'll be surprised!

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